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Ann Gulbransen, Historian, historian@ohiomayflower.org
Lee Martin, Deputy Historian, deputyhistorian@ohiomayflower.org

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Doty Genealogy update

The family of John Holmes, son of Desire (Doty) Sherman and Israel Holmes, as developed in MF 11:2: 24, is now to be seen to be corrected by the article in NEHGR 166: 85-97.  The six children found in MF 11:2,  ascribed to John Holmes and Sarah Thomas, are not to be seen to be the grandchildren of Desire Doty.  The four children named in this newly published article: Desire, Israel, Deborah and John are now to be considered the correct children of John Holmes and his wife Sarah Church, and therefore the true grandchildren of Desire (Doty) Holmes Standish. The birth date for John, son of Desire and Israel, is correct as found in MF 11:2; who he married, and who were their children, is where the Doty book went astray.

Thanks to Jay Lucas, Massachusetts Society historian, it is also to be noted that John Holmes’ wife, Sarah Church, is a Richard Warren descendant, as can be found in MF 18:1:130.  So these newly identified grandchildren of Desire (Doty) (Sherman) Holmes are also Warren descendants.  Sarah Church was the daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah Barstow Church; Nathaniel Church the son of Elizabeth², Richard¹ Warren.

So the family group of John Holmes and Sarah Church, as found in NEHGR 166:91-98 are Warren descendants as well as Doty; and the Warren 18:1:130 is also now seen to be incorrect as to the parentage of Sarah Church’s husband John Holmes, as the “probable son of Joseph and Sarah (Sprague) Holmes.”   The listing of Sarah Church and John Holmes’ children found in MF 18:1:130 is incomplete. So you will want to annotate both books, MF 11:2:24 and MF 18:1:130  with the corrected information following four children of John and Sarah Church Holmes.   Hopefully we will see something more specifically on those four children eventually (more on that below).


  1. Has anyone found further information on the four children(Desire, Israel, Deborah and John)of John and Sarah Church Holmes?

  2. The NEHGR article mentioned in the post above includes details on their children and the births of many grandchildren. We have just had a line approved by the Historian General that goes through their son John.

  3. Does anyone have a link to this article? I can't find it anywhere. Thanks

  4. To access this article online, you need to be a member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society and view it on AmericanAncestors.org. You should be able to find copies of the Register in many large libraries that have genealogy sections.
